mliebelt Starter Blog

Alle Bücher

Jonathan Snook: Scalble and Modular Arachitecture for CSS

02. 11. 2014ISBN: 978-0985632106

A fresh approach to organizing CSS

What a mouthful of a title! I heard about it in the Ruby Rogues session Evaluating Yourself and decided: I have to have this book. I have read in it here or there, and decided to try it out with this new blog thing I am doing now.

And what should I say? It works great for me. I have not done all of it, have to split my styles, but alone the explanation when to use classes or IDs in CSS, how to name then, and how to organize them has helped me a lot.

So the need to use SAAs will be much lower, because following the rules is pretty simple most of the time. Let’s see if it scales over time, so if the rules are easier manageable than before.

Try it out, and please: buy it! It is worth every cent!

Markus Liebelt

Written by Markus Liebelt who lives and works near Stuttgart in Germany. You should follow him on Twitter, or see his stats on Stackoverflow.